Welcome To Camp

Banquet Fundraiser & Hymn Sing
You're invited to our annual Spring Banquet Fundraiser. Join us at 5pm for fellowship. We'll be serving pork loin, mashed potatoes, vegetables, stuffing, and gravy for dinner at 5:20pm. At 6pm we'll move up to the chapel for a hymn sing led by Eric Angus Whyte, along with a One Hope Canada video presentation, and an update from CBBC's Director Nathan MacISAAC about the current financial needs of the camp. We're looking forward to an evening together and hope you will be able to join us.
Who We Are
Cape Breton Bible Camp is one of 39 Bible camps across Canada owned and operated by One Hope Canada. Our primary purpose is to present the Gospel, particularly to those having the least opportunity to hear of Christ and especially to children and youth, and we disciple believers for living and serving through His Church.
Our camp is designed to accommodate up to 70 campers per week while providing them with an exciting and dynamic week of overnight camping. Our facility and program are first rate and we have a great reputation for providing quality care.