We believe in the Divine inspiration and consequent authority of the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. By the term Divine inspiration we mean the truthfulness and authority of both the Old and New Testament Scriptures in their entirety as the only written Word of God, without error in the original manuscripts and the only infallible rule of faith and practice.
We believe in the doctrine of the Trinity, one God revealed as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect. We believe in the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His miraculous conception, humanity, miracles, His death and burial, His bodily resurrection, ascension, and return. We believe in the personality of the Holy Spirit whose ministry is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and during this age to convict men, regenerate the believing sinner, indwell, guide, instruct, and empower the believer for godly living and service. We believe in the creation of man in the image of God; that he sinned and thereby incurred not only physical death, but also spiritual death; and that all human beings are born with a sinful nature totally depraved and are incapable of pleasing God, and in the case of those who reach moral responsibility become culpable sinners, utterly lost, and only through being born again through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, in whom we have redemption through His blood, can salvation and spiritual life be obtained. We believe in the resurrection of the body, the eternal life of the saved, the eternal punishment of the lost. After death all men continue in conscious existence, the believers being "absent from the body but present with the Lord," the lost in everlasting conscious torment. We believe in the personality of Satan as a created being and an adversary of God.